Vampires and Wolves

New Moon is the beginning of Bella’s desire to bring these two groups of supernatural people together. It is an admirable goal on her part. She begins with asking Alice and Jacob to stay in the same room, but it doesn’t work. Haven’t we all experienced situations in life where we just wanted the people we love to get along with each other? In Ephesians 2:16-18, we learn that Christ has brought two groups together, despite their differences. Jesus is the only one who can unite us. In Christ, we no longer see other people as our enemies. We see those in the community of Christ, no matter their background, as brothers and sisters. We find equality at the cross of Jesus Christ.

Jesus Christ became our peace. The word “peace” as used in the Bible is most often associated with a peaceful lifestyle and presence. It is based on the Hebrew word “shalom.” Shalom is more than the absence of conflict; it is a life defined by a peaceful countenance.9 Shalom is a peace that encompasses our relationships with God and other people. It is a wholeness in mind and comfort in heart that God has control of this world and our lives. It is more than just an inner feeling of peace; shalom flows in everything we do. A life in Christ is peace because we know that God is in control of all things. Deuteronomy 31:6 gives a promise that God will neither leave us nor forsake us. We can find rest and assurance in knowing that we are not left alone in this world. I love that promise!