I am a Jesus-loving, God-changed, Spirit-driven Christian. You may not understand that description right now, but you will if you read this website. I am also a movie-loving, television-watching, book-reading human. I really enjoy the arts, and I love studying the Bible. For years, I was taught that these two passions of mine had to be exclusive from one another. “God cannot exist in such sinful places like television and movies,” one Bible teacher of mine would demand. Needless to say, that lifestyle seemed hypocritical to me. I couldn’t reconcile what I was being taught and what I was reading in the Bible. After much prayer and healing by God’s Spirit and through God’s people, I now see a world around me that is not perfect, yet I worship a God that is bigger than this world. God exists everywhere. He does not like sin, but He doesn’t leave us to die in it. As God led me to these beliefs, I began looking for God in the arts that I love. And you know what? I could see Him everywhere.
I certainly see themes of God in
the Twilight series. You may want to
have the same experience with the Twilight
series. You have that option with For the Love of Forks. You can complete your
own Bible study or even start one with your friends with the material on this
site. To complete a Bible study that goes in-depth with the book of Ephesians
and highlights events in the Twilight series,
then use the following outline of material from this site. Start with the Bible
Study Guide and Introduction with Ephesians below. Then you can work your way
through each book in the Twilight series through the tabs above. Small group
questions are scattered along the way, but you can access all the questions in
one area here in the Resources tab. Then you can end your study with Sally’s
Conclusions from the Twilight Series
below. May you enjoy your time here at For the Love of Forks!
A Bible Study Guide
An Introduction to Ephesians
Sally's Conclusions from the Twilight Series
Small Group Questions for the Whole Series
Should Christians Read the Twilight Series?
Other Resources