Breaking Dawn

The Twilight series reminds me of building a house. Twilight gave us a framework for this love story. New Moon expanded the size of our house. Eclipse gave us the process to make decisions about the internal look and feel of the house. Now, Breaking Dawn, in three parts, brings a permanent residency to the house. In Book I, Bella and Edward are preparing for their wedding and honeymoon. The nuptials take place, the marital bed is christened and all seems well until Bella feels a kick in her stomach. This pregnancy changes the landscape of the Twilight series in dramatic ways. The love story moves from a young adult romance to an adult science fiction and horror narrative.

In Breaking Dawn, Book II, our narrator moves from Bella Swan to Jacob Black. The deeply anguished tone passes into a deeply angry voice. Jacob’s perspective gives the reader an outsider glance into the Cullen pregnancy plight. Jacob also shifts from a strong fighter within Sam’s pack to a confused leader for a new pack. This fresh leadership role pushes Jacob to confront his beliefs about purpose, protection and pursuit.

Breaking Dawn, Book III, plays through the final scenes of Book II from Bella’s perspective. She walks through her last memories while she lays in physical agony. As time ticks slowly by, she understands that Edward is living in his own emotional agony. He wonders if the conversion didn’t go right, and he blames himself for any missteps. In this last portion of the Twilight series, Bella and Edward must face new obstacles in their relationship: a newborn baby, Jacob’s imprint and the Volturi. All the storylines come to an eventual close in this final installment. Breaking Dawn, Book III, will close the human life of Bella Swan and open the door to her new life as a vampire.

The main theme of Ephesians that can be found in Breaking Dawn is love. In Ephesians 4, we learn how to live out the love that God has showered down on us. We are reminded that our greater existence in Christ brings greater responsibility to our lives. As with Jacob’s new leadership role, Ephesians 5 pushes us into new territory with Paul’s persuasive admonishment to refuse the world’s influence and live by the Spirit.

Life in the Spirit is exciting. We have a new identity, boundless love, groundbreaking truth and resurrection power. God has done great things and continues this work in our lives, even today. We have received a rich inheritance from our heavenly Father, but we still have to deal with problems in our everyday lives. Ephesians 6 will close the teaching on how to live as a human. In this last chapter of Bible study, we venture into the final teachings of Ephesians and learn how to face obstacles of our own like parenting, prejudice and conflict.

In this section, you can read a Summary of the fourth book. You can also access spiritual commentary for some of the main scenes in the book. Check out the small group questions as well. You can use them for your book club or even your own Bible study with fellow Twi-hards. Lastly, you can read Sally's review of the Breaking Dawn Part I movie and Part II movie.

Summary of Breaking Dawn

The Wedding and Reception

The Honeymoon and Unexpected News

Bella Keeps the Baby

Preparing for Baby's Arrival

Renesmee is Discovered

The Final Showdown

Small Group Questions for Breaking Dawn

Breaking Dawn, Part I Movie Review

Breaking Dawn, Part II Movie Review